Category Archives: Dow Jones / DJIA: last 10 years’ all information

Unique Dow Jones 10 years information of performance. DJIA comparison to other instruments in the last ten years. Check it out now!>>

10 years history of Dow Jones / DJIA

The Dow Jones Industrial Average index has been introduced on 26 May 1896 and it has 30 components today. It is an important signal which provides an insight about the overall stock performance within the region, and the overall increase or decrease in stock value represented by the average of the top performing companies.

In the past 10 years there have been some interesting events in its history, which we have extracted here:

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10 years Dow Jones chart of DJIA performance

The Dow Jones Industrial Average index has been introduced on 26 May 1896 and it has 30 components.

10 year chart of the Dow Jones stock index*

The 10 year chart of Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) summarizes the chages in the price well, however, we recommend to have a look at the chart(s) below, too.

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